Tips for Teeth Healthy Thanksgiving

Tips for Teeth Healthy Thanksgiving

Tips for Teeth Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day of celebration, family, and food. However, it can also cause havoc to your oral health if you are not careful. Here are some tips to help you maintain good oral health this Thanksgiving.

Eat Right

Avoid sticky, chewy, and crunchy foods. These can rip open any sensitive areas in your mouth and cause discomfort. If you do eat something with one of these textures, rinse your mouth out with an alcohol-free mouthwash immediately after eating them. Try to eat healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cheese, that will help neutralize the acids in your mouth that cause tooth decay. 

Skip the alcoholic beverages and focus on water instead! Your body needs water to stay hydrated and stay healthy. Water can also help keep food particles from sticking to your teeth and causing damage.

Take breaks between big meals. If you spend a long time chewing your food, this can wear down your enamel and lead to decay over time. Try to chew each bite of food over 20 to 30 times before swallowing. This can help to ensure you’re giving your body enough time to break down what you’re about to swallow.

Brush and Floss Your Teeth

Don’t forget to brush and floss after your meal. Brushing helps to remove debris from the teeth, while flossing reaches between the teeth and removes leftover bits of trapped food and debris. The effects of good brushing and flossing will last much longer than if you skip this step altogether.

Don’t forget to brush twice each day with fluoride toothpaste to protect your teeth this holiday season!

See Your Dentist 

See your dentist for a checkup and cleaning appointment before the holidays arrive. This can help you identify and treat any problems that may exist beforehand so that you aren’t in pain while you feast this holiday season.

Protect your smile with dental sealants as well! Sealants can protect the teeth from bacteria buildup and help prevent cavities no matter how well you care for your teeth and gums. Call our office today and schedule an appointment with our dentist to learn more or to book a visit before the holiday rush arrives!

To learn more about our good oral care practices, visit Amin Taba D.D.S. PLLC at 5701 Northeast Bothell Way Suite 3, Kenmore, WA 98028. Call us at (425) 486-9233 or visit our website to schedule an appointment. 


5701 Northeast Bothell Way Suite 3,
Kenmore, WA 98028

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